IB Programme

IB Prog­ram­me at Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio is a three-year prog­ram­me inc­lu­ding a pre-dip­lo­ma year. Dip­lo­ma prog­ram­me it­self is a two-year ri­go­rous pre-uni­ver­si­ty prog­ram­me with fi­nal exams.

Pre-Dip­lo­ma Prog­ram­me en­su­res that stu­dents are re­a­dy for Dip­lo­ma Prog­ram­me. The IB Dip­lo­ma Prog­ram­me in­vol­ves stu­dying in groups and in­de­pen­dent work is re­qui­red as well. IB stu­dents are sup­po­sed to be with ini­ti­a­ti­ve, good self-ma­na­ge­ment skills and de­si­re to stu­dy in Eng­lish.  In­de­pen­dent work is an es­sen­ti­al part of the Dip­lo­ma gra­de.

IB Stu­dy Gui­de13.6.2016