Pre-Diploma Programme

Pre-year stu­dents comp­le­te 28-30 cour­ses cho­sen from the na­ti­o­nal prog­ram­me. More than half of the cour­ses are taught in Eng­lish and 23 cour­ses pre­pa­re stu­dents for IB sub­jects.


Fin­nish: 3
Fin­nish as fo­reign lan­gu­a­ge:
Eng­lish: 3
Swe­dish: 3
Eco­no­mics in Eng­lish: 1
His­to­ry in Eng­lish: 2
Bi­o­lo­gy in Eng­lish: 1 or 2
Che­mist­ry in Eng­lish: 2
Phy­sics in Eng­lish: 2 or 3
Mat­he­ma­tics in Eng­lish: 5

It is re­com­men­ded that du­ring pre-DP year stu­dents choo­se sub­jects that are not avai­lab­le in IB Prog­ram­me in Kuo­pio. They may con­ti­nue stu­dying them du­ring IB 1 and IB 2. Cour­ses of sub­jects such as psyc­ho­lo­gy, ge­og­rap­hy, vi­su­al arts, mu­sic, phy­si­cal edu­ca­ti­on, so­ci­al stu­dies, re­li­gi­on and phi­lo­sop­hy can be comp­le­ted du­ring up­per se­con­da­ry school ye­ars and a stu­dent may even take the mat­ri­cu­la­ti­on exam.  It is also re­qui­red that stu­dents wis­hing to stu­dy an ab ini­tio lan­gu­a­ge (ot­her than Fin­nish, Swe­dish and Eng­lish) start it in pre-DP-year if it is going to be inc­lu­ded into their IB Dip­lo­ma.

Pre-DP year school re­ports can be fol­lo­wed in the Wil­ma sys­tem.

IB Stu­dy Gui­de13.6.2016