IB grading system

Sub­ject gra­de in the IB Dip­lo­ma is a re­sult of both in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal as­sess­ment. In­ter­nal­ly as­ses­sed work counts for 20-30 % of the fi­nal gra­de. The award of the dip­lo­ma re­qui­res a mi­ni­mum to­tal of 24 points and sa­tis­fac­to­ry comp­le­ti­on of TOK, CAS and Ex­ten­ded Es­say. The ma­xi­mum sco­re of the six sub­jects is 42. TOK and Ex­ten­ded Es­say may cont­ri­bu­te up to three points, so the ma­xi­mum dip­lo­ma point sco­re is 45.

The re­sults of the fi­nal exa­mi­na­ti­ons and in­ter­nal­ly as­ses­sed com­po­nents are pub­lis­hed in the be­gin­ning of July. The of­fi­ci­al Dip­lo­mas are sent to the school by the end of Au­gust.

IB Stu­dy Gui­de13.6.2016