Absence control in the IB section

All stu­dents are ex­pec­ted to at­tend school re­gu­lar­ly. All ab­sen­ces must be cle­a­red by a gu­ar­di­an on Wil­ma or a me­di­cal pro­fes­si­o­nal.

Pre-DP year

more than three ab­sen­ces may mean than the cour­se will be mar­ked un­fi­nis­hed (K) and the stu­dent may risk trans­fer to the IB Prog­ram­me. Link

IB1 and IB2

in HL sub­jects more than 3 and in SL sub­jects more than 2 per pe­ri­od (jak­so) may mean that stu­dent is not en­tit­led to take sum­ma­ti­ve exams in exam week eit­her in No­vem­ber or in March and the­re­fo­re, the stu­dent may risk trans­fer from IB1 to IB2.


IB Stu­dy Gui­de13.6.2016