What happens, if studies do not proceed on time?

The re­gist­ra­ti­on for the IB Fi­nal Exams starts in Sep­tem­ber of IB2. In case the Ex­ten­ded Es­say is not sub­mit­ted in due time, a stu­dent will be withd­rawn from the IB Fi­nal Exams by No­vem­ber 14th.

Furt­her­mo­re, in or­der to meet the re­qui­re­ments for the re­gist­ra­ti­on, all the com­po­nents with a school’s ded­li­ne be­fo­re 14th No­vem­ber and to be sent to the IBO must be sub­mit­ted by 14th No­vem­ber. Ot­her­wi­se, the stu­dent will be withd­rawn from the Fi­nal Exams.

The fi­nal date to start the CAS-prog­ram­me is the 1st De­cem­ber of IB1. In case a stu­dent fails to meet this date, ot­her op­ti­ons than the IB Prog­ram­me are dis­cus­sed with them.

If a stu­dent starts the CAS as late as on the 1stDe­cem­ber of IB1, no in­ter­rup­ti­ons are al­lo­wed up to the end of May of IB2.

The school pays for six IB-sub­jects. Ext­ra sub­jects are not paid by the school. In case a stu­dent fails the dip­lo­ma, one sub­ject is paid by the school. If ne­ces­sa­ry, a stu­dent can re­ta­ke one sub­ject twi­ce and that is paid by the school.

IB Stu­dy Gui­de13.6.2016