CAS Step-by-Step

CAS Step-by-step

  1. You add a new ex­pe­rien­ce on Ma­na­ge­Bac.
  2. Name it cle­ar­ly.
  3. Give a short desc­rip­ti­on and your per­so­nal goal(s).
  4. Give the (es­ti­ma­ted) da­tes.
  5. Give the name and tit­le of your su­per­vi­sor + their email add­ress (and te­lep­ho­ne num­ber).
  6. Choo­se your tar­ge­ted Le­ar­ning out­co­me(s).

=> Needs app­ro­val

  1. CAS coor­di­na­tor is no­ti­fied via the CAS Dai­ly Di­gest email.
  1. CAS coor­di­na­tor app­ro­ves the ex­pe­rien­ce on MB or sends you a note with furt­her inst­ruc­ti­ons.

=> App­ro­ved/ Re­jec­ted

  1. You are no­ti­fied of the app­ro­val via email.
  1. You add evi­den­ce and ref­lec­ti­ons be­fo­re, du­ring and af­ter the ex­pe­rien­ce and fi­nal­ly comp­le­te the ex­pe­rien­ce.
  1. Your ex­pe­rien­ce su­per­vi­sor re­cei­ves the ex­pe­rien­ce su­per­vi­sor email with a link to your ex­pe­rien­ce.
  1. Your su­per­vi­sor comp­le­tes the su­per­vi­sor re­view form.
  1. CAS coor­di­na­tor re­views your evi­den­ce and ref­lec­ti­ons and marks the ex­pe­rien­ce comp­le­te.

=> Comp­le­ted


If your ex­pe­rien­ce shows Comp­le­ted af­ter your su­per­vi­sor has re­vie­wed the ex­pe­rien­ce and you still have to add so­met­hing, the CAS coor­di­na­tor can re­o­pen the ex­pe­rien­ce.

Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio - CAS Hand­book2024-202523.4.2019