CAS Step-by-Step
CAS Step-by-step
- You add a new experience on ManageBac.
- Name it clearly.
- Give a short description and your personal goal(s).
- Give the (estimated) dates.
- Give the name and title of your supervisor + their email address (and telephone number).
- Choose your targeted Learning outcome(s).
=> Needs approval
- CAS coordinator is notified via the CAS Daily Digest email.
- CAS coordinator approves the experience on MB or sends you a note with further instructions.
=> Approved/ Rejected
- You are notified of the approval via email.
- You add evidence and reflections before, during and after the experience and finally complete the experience.
- Your experience supervisor receives the experience supervisor email with a link to your experience.
- Your supervisor completes the supervisor review form.
- CAS coordinator reviews your evidence and reflections and marks the experience complete.
=> Completed
If your experience shows Completed after your supervisor has reviewed the experience and you still have to add something, the CAS coordinator can reopen the experience.
Kuopion Lyseon lukio - CAS Handbook2024-202523.4.2019