

Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio uses Ma­na­ge­Bac for kee­ping CAS port­fo­li­os.

The­re is a Quick Start Gui­de with an int­ro­duc­ti­on vi­deo, ide­as for CAS Ex­pe­rien­ces and CAS step-by-step.

When you start your CAS prog­ram­me, add the fol­lo­wing “Ex­pe­rien­ce”:

My CAS prog­ram­me

When you fi­nish your CAS prog­ram­me, some of the fol­lo­wing should be found un­der Ref­lec­ti­ons & Evi­den­ce:

Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio - CAS Hand­book2024-202523.4.2019