CAS Experiences

A CAS ex­pe­rien­ce is a spe­ci­fic event in which the stu­dent en­ga­ges with one or more of the three CAS strands.


A) Sing­le CAS ex­pe­rien­ce
CAS sta­ges may/may not be used

B) Se­ries of CAS ex­pe­rien­ces
CAS sta­ges used

C) CAS pro­ject: Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve se­ries of CAS ex­pe­rien­ces
CAS sta­ges used


A me­a­ning­ful CAS prog­ram­me must be more than unp­lan­ned/sin­gu­lar ex­pe­rien­ces. A se­ries of plan­ned CAS ex­pe­rien­ces are re­com­men­ded for a more en­ga­ging CAS prog­ram­me.

CAS ex­pe­rien­ces may in­cor­po­ra­te one or more of the CAS strands. For examp­le:

A CAS ex­pe­rien­ce must:

Con­ci­der the fol­lo­wing qu­es­ti­ons:

Whi­le it is not ne­ces­sa­ry for each CAS ex­pe­rien­ce to add­ress a CAS le­ar­ning out­co­me, upon comp­le­ti­on of the CAS prog­ram­me, CAS stu­dents are re­qui­red to pre­sent evi­den­ce de­monst­ra­ting      ac­hie­ve­ment of all CAS le­ar­ning            out­co­mes.

Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio - CAS Hand­book2024-202523.4.2019