Creativity suggestions


  1. Wri­te a script for a play.
  2. Par­ti­ci­pa­te in a com­mu­ni­ty-ba­sed the­at­re group.
  3. De­sign or par­ti­ci­pa­te in awa­re­ness-rai­sing per­for­man­ces for NGOs.
  4. Form a per­for­man­ce group.
  5. Run a child­ren’s the­at­re group in the lo­cal com­mu­ni­ty.
  6. Or­ga­ni­ze an imp­ro­vi­sa­ti­on the­at­re trou­pe.
  7. Le­arn how to per­form ma­gic and put on a ma­gic show.


  1. Join a choir or par­ti­ci­pa­te in a mu­si­cal.
  2. Play a mu­si­cal inst­ru­ment in a band or orc­hest­ra.
  3. Le­arn to play a mu­si­cal inst­ru­ment or take vo­cal les­sons.
  4. Form a mu­sic group.
  5. Per­form for clients in aged care ho­mes.
  6. Con­duct a choir or a band.
  7. Host a mu­si­cal event at school.

Vi­su­al art

  1. Pro­du­ce per­so­nal art­works.
  2. Paint a mu­ral for the walls of a lo­cal pri­ma­ry school or child­ca­re cent­re.
  3. Paint a mu­ral for the walls of a lo­cal pri­ma­ry school or child­ca­re cent­re.
  4. Cu­ra­te the school art gal­le­ry.
  5. Or­ga­ni­ze or par­ti­ci­pa­te in craft ac­ti­vi­ties.
  6. Do pho­to shoots for NGOs or for se­ni­or ci­ti­zens.
  7. Pro­du­ce the school ye­ar­book (di­gi­tal or hard copy).
  8. En­ter a lo­cal art or pho­tog­rap­hy com­pe­ti­ti­on.
  9. Te­ach art for ear­ly child­hood or pri­ma­ry school.


  1. Join a bal­let or jazz class.
  2. Cho­re­og­raph a school pro­duc­ti­on.
  3. Run a school-ba­sed dan­ce class.
  4. Per­form as a dan­cer in a school pro­duc­ti­on.
  5. Par­ti­ci­pa­te in an­nu­al school per­for­mers’ show­ca­se.
  6. Te­ach a ju­ni­or dan­ce class.
  7. Or­ga­ni­ze a dan­ce flash mob.

De­sign tech­no­lo­gy

  1. Par­ti­ci­pa­te in de­sign pro­jects to imp­ro­ve the lo­cal com­mu­ni­ty.
  2. Over­see a pro­ject for school.
  3. Par­ti­ci­pa­te in coun­cil com­pe­ti­ti­ons.
  4. De­sign and cre­a­te fur­ni­tu­re.
  5. As­sist an NGO with de­sig­ning a web­si­te or pro­vi­de con­tent for its web­si­te.
  6. Help a lo­cal hos­pi­tal or cli­nic with a re­de­sign.


  1. Cre­a­te an awa­re­ness-rai­sing vi­deo for an NGO.
  2. Cre­a­te pro­mo­ti­o­nal foo­ta­ge re­la­ted to a spe­ci­fic cau­se.
  3. Make a do­cu­men­ta­ry or a film.
  4. Join the school pub­li­ci­ty/me­dia group.
  5. Cre­a­te a vi­deo arc­hi­ve for a lo­cal his­to­ri­cal so­cie­ty.
  6. Plan a film se­ries for a se­ni­or cent­re.
  7. Or­ga­ni­ze a film event for a cau­se to rai­se awa­re­ness and funds.


  1. Or­ga­ni­ze a re­cyc­led clot­hing or clot­hes swap group to be­ne­fit a cha­ri­ty.
  2. Par­ti­ci­pa­te in a group that de­signs clot­hes from sus­tai­nab­le ma­te­ri­als.
  3. Or­ga­ni­ze a school-ba­sed fas­hi­on show.
  4. Run a knit­ting group and cre­a­te items of clot­hing for a cau­se.
  5. Le­arn how to be a sa­les­per­son at a clot­hing cha­ri­ty.
  6. Start a se­wing col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve to make out­fits for child­ren in need.
  7. De­sign reu­sab­le shop­ping bags with fas­hi­on flair.

Grap­hic de­sign

  1. De­sign and pro­du­ce child­ren’s toys.
  2. De­sign in­for­ma­ti­on book­lets or pamph­lets for a spe­ci­fic NGO.
  3. De­sign sto­ry­bo­ards for a spe­ci­fic pur­po­se.
  4. Cre­a­te lo­gos and de­signs for T-shirts with en­vi­ron­men­tal mes­sa­ges.
  5. As­sist an NGO with de­sig­ning a web­si­te or pro­vi­de con­tent for its web­si­te.
  6. Re­de­sign an or­ga­ni­za­ti­on’s broc­hu­res, bu­si­ness cards and logo.

Cre­a­ti­ve wri­ting

  1. At­tend a cour­se in jour­na­lism/po­et­ry wri­ting.
  2. Edit a school news­pa­per or bul­le­tin or do the same for a se­ni­or cent­re.
  3. Cre­a­te child­ren’s books for schools in need of the­se re­sour­ces.
  4. Or­ga­ni­ze a cre­a­ti­ve wri­ting work­shop.
  5. Wri­te a no­vel­la or a no­vel.
  6. Start a po­et­ry pro­ject that pla­ces po­et­ry ano­ny­mous­ly around school or the com­mu­ni­ty.


  1. Cook for a lo­cal­ly ba­sed in­ter­na­ti­o­nal fes­ti­val.
  2. Or­ga­ni­ze a World Te­ac­hers Day bre­ak­fast at school.
  3. Cre­a­te a re­ci­pe book.
  4. Run coo­king clas­ses.
  5. Make a “how to cook” vi­deo se­ries.
  6. Do­cu­ment the re­sults of coo­king a new, chal­len­ging re­ci­pe once a week.


  1. Pro­du­ce items for a school fair.
  2. Sup­port a group that rai­ses mo­ney for small bu­si­ness lo­ans for un­de­ve­lo­ped count­ries.
  3. Run works­hops for NGOs to give them ide­as for cre­a­ti­ve awa­re­ness-rai­sing or more ef­fi­cient bu­si­ness prac­ti­ces.
  4. Run bu­si­ness-type events to train stu­dents in run­ning a bu­si­ness.
  5. Help a lo­cal start-up de­ve­lop a bu­si­ness plan.

In­for­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy

  1. Te­ach ba­sic ICT skills.
  2. Join the tech­no­lo­gy sup­port group at school.
  3. De­sign di­gi­tal books.
  4. De­sign and main­tain a web­si­te for an NGO.


  1. Join a mat­he­ma­tics group and par­ti­ci­pa­te in school com­pe­ti­ti­ons.
  2. Run a prob­lem-sol­ving group at school.
  3. Tu­tor “at risk” stu­dents in mat­he­ma­tics.
  4. De­sign mat­he­ma­ti­cal/lo­gic puzz­les for ju­ni­or stu­dents.


  1. Co­ach a ju­ni­or sports team.
  2. De­sign a trai­ning sche­du­le for a sports team.
  3. De­sign in­di­vi­du­al trai­ning prog­ram­mes for spe­ci­fic ju­ni­or play­ers on a team.
  4. In­cor­po­ra­te skills from ot­her sports into trai­ning, for examp­le, rug­by cir­cuits into net­ball trai­ning.

En­vi­ron­men­tal sys­tems and so­cie­ties

  1. De­sign a re­cyc­ling pro­ject for the school.
  2. In­ves­ti­ga­te the use of ener­gy in the school and pro­vi­de a pro­po­sal for more ef­fi­cient ener­gy usa­ge.
  3. Cre­a­te a school-ba­sed en­vi­ro-gar­den.
  4. Par­ti­ci­pa­te in de­sig­ning a com­mu­ni­ty gar­den.
  5. Over­see a school lands­ca­ping pro­ject.
  6. In­ves­ti­ga­te ways to li­mit wa­ter con­sump­ti­on at school.
Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio - CAS Hand­book2024-202523.4.2019