CAS interviews

CAS in­ter­views

CAS in­ter­views can be done in­di­vi­du­al­ly, in pairs or in groups. The in­ter­views are pre­fe­rab­ly done du­ring CAS Les­sons. You can find your date and time on MB (Ca­len­dar).

It is im­por­tant that you come well-pre­pa­red and you have up­da­ted your CAS prog­ram­me on MB. Ple­a­se, re­mem­ber that what the CAS coor­di­na­tor can not find on MB, does not exist!

Af­ter the first in­ter­view the CAS coor­di­na­tor de­ter­mi­nes the ove­rall CAS prog­ress:

Con­cern (red flag) (BAD => let­ter home)

On track (green flag)

Ex­cel­lent (trop­hy)

Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio - CAS Hand­book2023-202423.4.2019