Supervised CAS Experiences
Supervised CAS experiences
It is recommended that as many experiences as possible have supervisors, especially during the DP1 .There has to be at least one supervised long-term experience in every strand.
Before you start a supervised experience, you have to make an agreement with the supervisor. They must know what CAS is about and what is expected of them. After you have finished your experience, make sure that you have added evidence and written reflections (also final reflection) before you ask for a supervisor’s review. The supervisor then gets a link to your experience by email and they see and read your whole experience.
- Find an experience.
- Take contact with the person who is responsible for the activity/ association/ club/ group.
- Take a copy of “Ohjeita ohjaajalle” and present the CAS program.
- If the person is willing to be your supervisor, fill in the agreement.
- Give a copy of the agreement to your supervisor and keep one yourself.
- Add the experience on ManageBac (description, goal(s), learning outcomes, supervisor information) and take a photo or scan the agreement under “Evidence & Reflections”.
- Wait for the CAS coordinator to approve your experience.
- Start your experience and give evidence and write reflections regularly.
- When you have finished your experience, make sure that you have added all the evidence and reflections concerning the experience before you ask for a supervisor’s review.