Supervised CAS Experiences

Su­per­vi­sed CAS ex­pe­rien­ces

It is re­com­men­ded that as many ex­pe­rien­ces as pos­sib­le have su­per­vi­sors, es­pe­ci­al­ly du­ring the DP1 .The­re has to be at le­ast one su­per­vi­sed long-term ex­pe­rien­ce in eve­ry strand.

Be­fo­re you start a su­per­vi­sed ex­pe­rien­ce, you have to make an ag­ree­ment with the su­per­vi­sor. They must know what CAS is about and what is ex­pec­ted of them. Af­ter you have fi­nis­hed your ex­pe­rien­ce, make sure that you have ad­ded evi­den­ce and writ­ten ref­lec­ti­ons (also fi­nal ref­lec­ti­on) be­fo­re you ask for a su­per­vi­sor’s re­view. The su­per­vi­sor then gets a link to your ex­pe­rien­ce by email and they see and read your who­le ex­pe­rien­ce.

  1. Find an ex­pe­rien­ce.
  2. Take con­tact with the per­son who is res­pon­sib­le for the ac­ti­vi­ty/ as­so­ci­a­ti­on/ club/ group.
  3. Take a copy of “Oh­jei­ta oh­jaa­jal­le” and pre­sent the CAS prog­ram.
  4. If the per­son is wil­ling to be your su­per­vi­sor, fill in the ag­ree­ment.
  5. Give a copy of the ag­ree­ment to your su­per­vi­sor and keep one your­self.
  6. Add the ex­pe­rien­ce on Ma­na­ge­Bac (desc­rip­ti­on, goal(s), le­ar­ning out­co­mes, su­per­vi­sor in­for­ma­ti­on) and take a pho­to or scan the ag­ree­ment un­der “Evi­den­ce & Ref­lec­ti­ons”.
  7. Wait for the CAS coor­di­na­tor to app­ro­ve your ex­pe­rien­ce.
  8. Start your ex­pe­rien­ce and give evi­den­ce and wri­te ref­lec­ti­ons re­gu­lar­ly.
  9. When you have fi­nis­hed your ex­pe­rien­ce, make sure that you have ad­ded all the evi­den­ce and ref­lec­ti­ons con­cer­ning the ex­pe­rien­ce be­fo­re you ask for a su­per­vi­sor’s re­view.
Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio - CAS Hand­book2024-202523.4.2019