Responsabilities of students in CAS

Res­pon­sa­bi­li­ties of stu­dents
in CAS stu­dies

Stu­dents’ res­pon­si­bi­li­ties are:

See more in Ti­me­li­ne for CAS at Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio.

The fi­nal date to start the CAS-prog­ram­me is 1 De­cem­ber of DP1. In case a stu­dent fails to meet this date, ot­her op­ti­ons than the IB Prog­ram­me are dis­cus­sed with them.

If a stu­dent starts the CAS as late as 1 De­cem­ber of DP1, no in­ter­rup­ti­ons are al­lo­wed up to the end of May of DP2.

Kuo­pi­on Ly­se­on lu­kio - CAS Hand­book2024-202523.4.2019